Master in Pest Science encourages students to conceive and implement novel research within the Integrated Pest Management empasis to the insect sciences and nematode as well as Vertebrate pest animals. Master in Pest Science Study Program is designed to give students a general knowledge of the principles of managing insect pests in a variety of situations, and a firm understanding of the environmental consequences of pest control decisions. Individual graduate programs are planned by students in consultation with their advisor and the Head of Study Program in Pest Science, Graduate Studies. Study and research are available in various areas of entomology including acarology, basic and applied entomology, insect molecular, agricultural toxicology, nematology, vertebrate pests, and forecasting. Individuals who complete this curriculum will be well prepared for careers in which the primary focus will be management of crop pests as an important aspect. Careers in which the Study Program in Pest Science will be beneficial include Plant Quarantine Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-chemical Technical or Sales Representatives, Private Crop Consultants, Farm Advisors, etc.