The Student Community of Pest Science (SCoPS) is a service-oriented organization built around a shared passion for pest science, contributing to the quality assurance of the Master in Pest Science study program at the Faculty of Agriculture, UGM. On October 17, 2021, 11 students came together for a virtual meeting to establish the community. Originally known as the Pest Study Group (PSG), the name was changed to SCoPS on February 24, 2023, after thoughtful consideration.
Our mission is to support and promote significant pest-related projects and issues. We focus on organizing activities centered around entomology and nematology, outreach initiatives, and providing opportunities for both pest science majors and non-majors to explore pest diversity and integrated pest management practices. Through these efforts, SCoPS aims to strengthen the networking, learning, and professional development of our members, offering them various opportunities to build a promising future in their careers.
Instagram: @scops_ugm